same meaning as: on the real, fo-sho, for reals. meaning, really happening. true.
e: i'm gonna drop 2 bills on that.

y: on the riz?

e: really. of course i'll do it.
by yes, yes July 22, 2008
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Link up with the dudes smoke a bunch of weed and riz it out on ur boxes
Mark: "Hey dude, wanna riz later?"

Kobe: "Yeah dude lets riz it up!"
by thewordtheword August 23, 2019
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rolling papers - as in 'rizla'
guy 1: hey man, you got any riz?
guy 2: yeah here, take a couple
by RABBIT:) June 19, 2009
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you got your riz tonight
(you got you car tonight)

yo thats riz is sick
(that car is sick)
by s4e2a0n October 30, 2006
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Joint - Reefa - Riz Up Man
comin for a riz me ode
by Daveze April 8, 2005
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a riz is a person who used to be (rather) normal, but then turned terrorist.
BO: "dude, who's that terrorist looking guy?"
KEN: "dude, that's a riz, man!.."
by j0r April 21, 2008
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to jack off, jerk the joystick, flub the dolphin
Man that boy Roy loved to riz. He fucked up 2 computers with his daily riz sessions.
by Deqwayne October 11, 2005
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