another word for shit its an overhyped piece of garbage do not watch it it made me bleach my eyes because sight was ruined for me after i watched it i just wish i could pour bleach into my skull so i could finally forget what i just witnessed .1/10 i liked the ambiance
by Soybean Studios October 31, 2020
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A neighborhood in the Bronx. Yes, THE BRONX. Anybody who says Riverdale is more like Westchester than the Bronx doesn't know their head from their ass. I would know because I grew up in Westchester and just transferred into Manhattan College, in Riverdale. It's in fact very much the Bronx in my opinion. Riverdale is nothing like where I grew up, which isn't even that far into Westchester County (Eastchester to be exact.)

Though Riverdale may not be a hardcore ghetto, it's not the only kinda nice neighborhood in the borough; last time I checked I wasn't looking over my shoulder in Woodlawn or Throgs Neck.
If a street with a 30-story apartment building and 5 small houses with no yards isn't the Bronx, then what is it?
by YO Man September 21, 2004
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One of the three of the independent hill schools in the riverdale area, the other two being horace mann and fieldston. Riverdale is considered the school where you go if you don't get into Fieldston or Horace Mann. Their sports are mediocre as well as their academics, but more importantly, they are all assholes, especially that bitch who previously defined the three hill schools. She clearly has no idea what she is talking about, most likely because she is a riverdale student. peace bitchh
I go to Riverdale, i'm a stuck-up pussy bitch with no life and no future.
by fieldstoner January 20, 2008
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A small preppy community by the Henry Hudson Bridge, spanning from the Hudson river's edge to and ending with the hill by Riverdale Avenue. Once down the hill you enter KINGSBRIDGE!!!!! The crappy drug infested area surrounding Manhattan College is called Kingsbridge and is commonly mistaken for Riverdale. Riverdale is nice; we don't have welfare families living up here and, we have good educations.
"Riverdale is NOT the Bronx, it's a whole separate entity."
by MHCS August 29, 2006
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Riverdale, also known as "Triggadale" is a neighborhood where you wanna think about making a turn into, cause once you take a peek, you never coming out the same. Nicky the Deala trys to make a name for himself here, ultimate kingpin of the drug trade in Riverdale.

Its the only place where you will see the most corruption in New York history. the Jews got money to bribe local Yonkers policemen who have nothing to do with crime in the Bronx, to react to local Riverdale issues. If you are not one of the Jews and you are caught doing something, you will be arrested in a matter of seconds. They also are a major part of the Education system in district 10, this includes Riverdale public schools, so what you learn in class, might be something to brainwash you.

Its also one of the most hardcore neighborhoods cause 7 of the most major races in New York center here. The Jews, the Irish, the Russians, The Hispanics, Rich Caucasian fieldston kids, The Albanians and some African Americans. The mix of these races is what makes Riverdale the Triggadale. Fights happen here all the time, even drivebys at liebig. Even weak small time crews, like Anthony Matao and his boys, who hobbies are smoking weed and messing with defenseless Russians people over the russian embassy gates.

Besides the negative, This is the home of Mark Twain the writer who wrote Huckleberry fin, whos house now a museum resides wave hill. That is, if you dont get your shit robbed before buying the ticket into wave hill.
Person 1: You wanna go to Riverdale, I heard its a nice Neighborhood.

Person 2: Dont let the rich people fool you, cause Riverdale isnt known as Triggadale for nothing.
by E MONEY! November 15, 2009
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A section of the Bronx that can be considered in between Kingsbridge and Yonkers. Decent neighborhood, if you are a fan of the Irish and the Jewish. Most of the guys are the Yankee loving-beer chugging-not afraid of nothing type. Unfortunately for them, most of the girls are extremely easy and extremely unattractive.
Ex: That girl must be trash if she lives even remotely close to Riverdale.
by likeswish05 April 24, 2009
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A place DMX thinks is part of Yonkers.
Riverdale is in Yonkaz!!!!
by DMX June 8, 2004
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