1. One who is in possesion of the distrobution of happyness. 2. Explorative and paitent. 3. Smart, funny and possesive the key to laughter.
Just a Ridgely makes you laugh, and his laugh will make you cry(in a good way).
by Dr. Shockaloob February 3, 2010
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A shortened version a Original.
Means that someone has come up with something that they have not created. Eg a rap ryhme copied is not ridge
Wanna Be Rapper:"gimme dat bomb you gay, let me serenade niggas before i eat ma prey"
Dude: "hey nigga dat aint ridge dats some copied shit from the legend tupac, get the fuck off the stage"
by lozg February 7, 2006
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1. To get stuck in a certain area and having difficulty from escaping it.

i.e. "Oh my god I am getting ridged by this corner"

2. To get stuck in something, not literally but in other aspects

i.e. "Oh man I was trying to walk past this guy but he kept on ridging me and I couldn't get past"
"Oh no I have been ridged by this car. I cannot get out"
by injctit420man December 3, 2013
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In one word they WIFEY!!! If you want yourself Loyal,loving,Trustworthy,Caring and Sexy asf lady,get yourself a ridge.She is one of the most desirable and deserving things ever!
Damn,I want myself a ridge,hard to find one of those these days.
by Aquafinaaa June 27, 2020
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Ridge is a Word that can be used to replace the verb or noun in a sentence. Usually used in secret so that the people around you wont know what you are talking about, but the person you are talking to will automatically assume the definition from previous experience.
1)After ridgeing last night i had the worst munchies.
2)After all the ridge we smoked i had the worst munchies.

*Ridge in this sentence represents marijuana or that act of smoking marijuana.
by JOUB May 14, 2010
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a town in new jersey. here only douche bags or gay faggots live in which they are too poor so they ride around on their skateboards all day. the lower class plainfield. the guys their think theyre tough shit and mess with people from the hills a much supior section of nj. many of the people from ridge think theyre cool because they start shit on facebook pictures and threather to 'beat sum1s ass'. hmm? cool. the girls there are ugly, and think they can do whatever they want but they are just FLAT OUT whores and sluts. full of stds and herps. if you step foot into that town you will become gay and nobody will like you anymore.
the girls from ridge hang out in the mall to see if they can hit up some guys from watchung, then see if they can get with them because the guys from ridge are too ugly, and the girls dont hhave any self esteem.
by meowmeow1234567890987612349 March 11, 2009
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