A girl who has a great sense of humor! She’s is very athletic and is good at any sport she does. She is the most trustworthy person you will ever meet, she will always be there if you need to talk to her and she will always have your back. She’s never afraid to fight someone if they mess with someone she loves. Is usually very like able. She’s very smart expect in math. And has a very unique personality. She’s definitely someone you would want to be friends with because she will only talk good about you.
by Servalpricelife September 25, 2018
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Hot guy with bunch of friends.A good strong human.Never scared and a great athlete.And is a nice person.
The coolest name is Reagan.
by Bigppdaddy May 10, 2019
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A beautiful ass kicking girl with many friends. She is a PRO drawer and will take anyone’s shit at any time. She is always there to help kick your bullies ass or kick yours, but only if you make her mad. She would make the absolute BEST girlfriend or BFF ever! But she is usually picky with men!(:
Guy1:WOW! She is beautiful with her Irish accent!
Guy2: Well obviously she Reagan McElroy!
by DeafDefinitions551 February 10, 2018
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Reagan is a beautiful brunette! She is the most popular girl you will ever know all the guys but Ryder’s want her Reagan’s usually do cheer or dance most Reagan’s are beautiful and sweet just like mine🦖
Person 1- Omg did you see the new girl
Hot boy- Oh Reagan she is so pretty and popular
by Beautiful any April 21, 2019
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Surprise! Reagan is the definition of milf. But it doesn’t matter how hot she is, she is still the cutest and she gives me butterflies when she talks (or does anything really) because she is so stunning.
Reagan and Brock are soukmages
by Brock Feken_peepeepoopoo May 17, 2021
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Reagan is someone that will make you proud. She puts 100% into everything she does and never quits. She fights for what she wants in a way that inspires others. Reagan is a beautiful girl with style that draws everyone’s attention. A trend setter and a person to admire. She makes you laugh and smile more than anyone else in your life.

Reagan is someone you can’t sleep without. Her presence in your life is so important it becomes an addiction. Her heart is pure and her love is unwavering. Once she enters your world you can’t imagine a day without her. When her name comes across your phone you get butterflies in your stomach. She will leave you speechless simply by making eye contact.

The name Reagan means little queen, so make her your princess and hold her tight, forever.
Reagan is perfect in every way

Reagan is crazy, but her crazy is beautiful to me
Reagan is my sug
by bubs58 November 2, 2020
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a) Excellent; first-rate
b)In a casual manner; nonchalantly

a)The state or quality of being "cool".
To be used synonymously with the word "cool" as in, "those boots are Reagan" or "I lost my Reagan and just slapped him in the mouth."
by Sauce80 February 10, 2012
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