A German metal band, whether it is Heavy or industrial is up to debate. Rammstein means Ramming Stone in German and is a play on words of the Ramstein Air show disaster.
Other bands play, Rammstein BURNS
by The Terrible October 11, 2006
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Rammstein have been doing their thing for 15 to 20 years. Their live show is amazing lots of fire and crazy things i will keep you guessing was coming next.Their melodic yet hard german songs (thanks to Tills rough voice) will blow you away.If you havent heard them go listen to the sounds of the best of Germany, even if you hate youll find yourself rocking out to them promise
Rodny: OMG a new DVD from RAMMSTEIN is coming out!!!
Josh: I just cropped my pants when is it coming out?
Rodny: End of November is called VOLKERBALL
Rick: du reischt so guuuuuttttt!!!!!!
by Rodny November 3, 2006
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That band is so rammstein!
by awex January 6, 2004
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Bar none, the world's greatest band has got to be Rammstein.

With Awesome lyrics, rock hard guitar riffs, and a tendancy to set things on fire, they undoubtedly surpass all in the area of awesomeness. Anyone with a differing opionion can go cut themselves because they have obviously not indulged in the miracle of Rammstein.

Till Lindemann-Lead Vocals
Oliver Reidel-Bass
Richard Kruspe-Guitar and backup vocals
Paul Landers-guitar and backup vocals
Christoph Schneider-Drums
Christian Lorenz-Keyboard/guy who always gets set on fire

Putting these six in a room creates a paradox of greatness that no one can escape.

Alex:Who? Smashmouth?

Chris: NO, You greasy bafoon, RAMMSTEIN *Slaps the shit out of alex*

by Snipers in the Church Tower November 30, 2006
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It's the doctrine of the east German band which includes awesomeness, testosterone, pyrotechnics and liqueur excreting dildos.
A: Dude that guy's such a wanker.
B: He probably hasnt heard of Rammsteinism.

A: So like what are you into?
B reveals a huge chest with a dildo
A: Rammsteinism, sweet.
by therealmanisherenow September 18, 2010
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A band who unfortunately in north america has just been taken as a novelty or gimmick, if you understand german or read the translations of the lyrics you'll find its some pretty deep intelligent shit that deals with love,hate,anger,joy,life and death. and what an awesome laungage to compliment heavymetal music. even if you cant understand german its still worth listening to the rich powerful driven music, and hey you can just imagine they are singing about whatever happens to be going thru your head, thats what makes it so great.
Jetzt stehst du da an der Laterne
hast Tränen im Gesicht
das Abendlicht verjagt die Schatten
die Zeit steht still und es wird Herbst
by n.bishop November 16, 2006
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a great war to start the morning. 6 peice German band, providers of provacative thought...should you think about death/gayness/sadness. especially known for a kick-ass no-scarm theatrical show. best taken with about 2 beers and choclate muffin
"did u see what Rammstein did last night!" or "that mo-fo doesnt like Rammstein"
by Amazing Taz October 12, 2003
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