A term descended and condensed from the phrase "fucking the dog". Used to describe the act of doing nothing, as well as making a fuck-up occur and the act of departing forthwith.
1. Fuck man it's time we left, let's pooch.
2. You pooched the hell out of it.
3. Did nothing but the pooch today.
by PDR July 20, 2003
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How an asshole writes the word dog
Look at that cute little pooch over there
by Reginaldhark August 25, 2017
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To steal a joke that was previously made and use it as your own
"Wow, you're really gonna pooch me like that"
by PoochPop69 April 28, 2015
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'Pooch' is the lowest insult one can receive. The insult's origin is found in the animal kingdom, with particularly foolish canines being called a Pooch. The word Pooch relates to human beings just as effectively; the insulter making the insultee feel very inferior, much like a small dog.

Pooch- "I just dug a hole. Guess what I did next, James!"
James- "Dude you're 21, grow up."
Pooch- "But James I feel like a prince"
James- "Shut up, pooch."

(Dog walks in with a snail in his mouth)
Dog owner- "Stupid-ass pooch! You be trippin."
by crazyfool330 September 27, 2009
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When something is finished and you have to throw it out.
Where can i pooch my smoke?
by JKix May 17, 2005
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1: A Bassett word, someone who says the wrong thing at the wrong time.

2: A complete & utter doushbag.

3: A straight man who is absolutely gay.

4. A man who cant control his mouth.
1: 'Yeah & then I cummed all on her tits!'
'Cheers son, but me & your mother didn't need to know that'

2: Mate, dont be a Rumbold, he's such a pooch.

3:I'm not gay, I love the Wanted.......

4: That's my missus, leave your comments out
by Ladybird87 July 16, 2011
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Twat, Cunt, Epic failure , Queer just a few words that come to mind
by Gritz1 May 6, 2010
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