a dreary town in the even drearier east midlands whose only claim to fame is the non-existent 'outlaw' Robin Hood who was a victorian work of fiction came from nearby. Every where you look there its robin hood this robin hood that and yes, you've guessed it robin hood the other.
everyone in nottingham is proud of a non-existant person because they bizarely think tourists will want to go there.
by ben dover of the yard August 5, 2004
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For the low class of the UK. For a big city the people from here are poor and unhealthy. A city that stuggles with life and turns to crime. A city that embarrass surrounding high class city's. Embarrassment of the Midlands, Embarrassment of England, Embarrassment of the World.
Nottingham - Forest Laughing stock
Nottingham - Embarrassment
Nottingham - What you tread in
by CEGent November 26, 2011
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Long live King Richard. And since I have have to use the word in the example, Nottingham
by Orange Rooster May 1, 2016
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Something that is in close relation to the best, and in comparison, poor. This is because of the obviousness that nottingham is located next to the best, Derby.
Yeh he's great, just got his exam results back, all A's! Shame about my Nottingham though
by a peadophilic panda November 21, 2010
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A city in Northern Derbyshire, in England. It's a shithole, filled with cunts and whores. What happens if you cross Derby with 1940's Nagasaki.
Fred: Hey! You want to go to Nottingham later?
Jewish Person: What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you a fucking moron? Hitler had better fucking ideas then that!
by Paedophilic And Lovin' It April 11, 2011
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Gun crime capital of the UK. Basically wheras in other cities you need to carry a knife to get any respect in Notingham you nust carry a gun, if not to look cool just for fucking protection against the twat ass rudeboys. In other words the best god dam city in the world. Also near Ilkeston or Cracktowm UK
"Dude did you hear about the dude that got shot in Nottingham?"
"Which one"
by Angry rage dude November 6, 2005
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Although it has its bad points, Nottingham is the worlds best city, yes we may have our bad points but at the end of the day what city doesnt, the only difference which makes Nottingham top, is the great deal of love & pride that each and every resident has for living in such a great city & how many people would fly our flag & wear our shirt to show everyone that we support Nottingham & Nottingham Forest with pride & honour!
Nottingham =)
We’re on the march for Cloughie’s army
We’re all going to Wem-ber-leeeee!
And we’ll really shake ‘em up
When we win the FA Cup
‘Coz Forest are the greatest football team!
by Hayley T May 15, 2007
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