A commonly used term by cocasians, in place of the n word.

It is actually a country in Africa

Not to be confused with the "Nigersaurus" which is a simularly used term.
White guy: Bro stop your being such a niger
Black guy: tf is that supposed to mean??
by suckadickforadollar November 2, 2022
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A small area in Africa or another term for nigga
I am from Niger, Africa
by AngeloP November 7, 2020
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Guy 1: Wow straight A's your so smart
Guy 2: Yeah people call me a niger
by Just built diff February 22, 2022
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That one word you would say and if they told the teacher you would say it was a country is Africa.
You: “You’re a Niger
Teacher: “Why did you say this word”
You: “Its a country in Africa
by Alt3rra June 19, 2020
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A commonly-made typo.
Crap! I was looking up Nigger and I made a goddamn typo and ended up on the Niger definition.
by useful idiot April 2, 2005
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the latin word for the colour black
Roman: Niger!

Person: Yes my wallpaper is black! How did you know?
by Murpho September 7, 2006
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