n. Slang. A person who is regarded as dull, rigidly conventional, and out of touch with current trends.
NIGGA! Get yo mork ass outta bed!
by Tony March 7, 2004
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~In the state or being a sloan ass nigga.
~The opposite of a trap star
Jeff, you hatin coz you a mork ass nigga and i'm a trap star nigga.
by JKBS September 8, 2010
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The act of gathering in a Lidl hypermarket with your satan worshipping friend to rape a weakling guy between the shelves using random objects to insert in his anus and urethra
James went morking with Stuart and Lenny tonight
- Oh dear,you are morking again far from home?
by BogusAnalus December 22, 2022
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n. someone who is completely witless. a low level nincompoop who rarely sees things in perspective. Shallower than the dead sea and perchance saltier too...
wrong lane mork, you just bowled allen a gutterball...
by Alex Johansson September 29, 2006
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A combination of a Moron and a Dork. Just as a Lork is a Loser and a Dork.
by Rolland July 31, 2005
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A slang term for milk produced by a woman's breasts after childbirth as food for her child.
"I would love a mork and cum milkshake on this warm summer day"
by Daddystino May 5, 2021
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an alternative for saying that you are working on complex math equations
guy 1 : hey where were you last night guy 2.

guy 2 : I was morking.

guy 1 : man I hate Differential Equations.
by daniel duke September 8, 2006
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