To describe some one who looks like shit...
Dude did you see casey today??? she looked like a piece of shit-a-lonie
by huxley(penis) May 5, 2005
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Describes a person who is unsocial and unapproachable
Male 1: Yo you see dat lony mon over there?
Male 2: Aye bro i ran a trail on him yesterday
Male 1: nigga what...??
by OmniRice October 11, 2019
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Loni-Claire is an incredible person, and goes by Loni to everyone. She is very passionate in theatre and is a love ale and really fun person to be around. She is beautiful and anyone who’s ever met her would agree. She’s very expressive and super nice. She is the only one of her in the entire world- if you’re seeing this, hi Loni
Loni-Claire just got into a Broadway show!
-what else is new
by Friendofdorothy May 6, 2021
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The finest smart kid also GOOFY AF (Don’t try her)
by Lyrica hall February 5, 2019
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Has a awesome booty which makes him incredibly hot but with a small dic
The good part is that he is always having a boner
When he looks at you you feel eaten from inside (cuz he literally eats you.. He is a cannibal)
Lonie's hair looks like pubic hair because in fact it is pubic hair.. His hair grows very awkwardly
Lonie's is very hot.. Did I mention that?
Lonie's has blue eyes with a little yellow
I fuck lonie
Lonie fucks me
Lonie has big dik
Lonie has small dik
Lonie likes pancakes
Fuck lonie
by Iengne December 16, 2019
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loni refers to an amazing individual who is under the command of the Supreme Leader. Other names to describe such a person are lonikorn, chochi, ladys
his name is Loni and he is a chauffeur.
by masterpoli July 9, 2020
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