Worst place to get music or anything from. Messes up your computer as well.
Kazaa sucks.
by Roger September 3, 2003
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KazaA is teh Devil! it brings about pop-ups for no reason! it screws up intercontinental copyright laws! For all your souls, uninstall KazaA!!!
KazaA sucks, it only makes me computer go slower, it brings up pop-ups for no reason and it messes with intercontinental copyright laws! Im going to unistall it, gee whizz?
by Den Jandra May 9, 2004
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For all your virus receiving needs.
Wow, I get more viruses on KazaA then ever before!
by fuck you July 9, 2003
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A highly over-rated p2p system with tons of spywear and is an easy target for the RIAA. Also a great source for virus' and very poor quality media with even worse tagging.
dood! i _|u5t KazaA! im gonna DL me sone sw33t @s5 pr0n 2nite! lolololololz rofl lmao!
by Kaji February 29, 2004
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the quickest, easiest way to piss off RIAA
"i wish i had never KaZaad"
by hash is brown November 14, 2003
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a whole piece of shit,crap,poo and many swear words together
which will give u many virus and trojan almost 87% of downloads in kazaa are either virus or are illegal and b0rken
l33th4x0rn00b123:omg dude i found so many games like mtw 2 on kazaa!
l33th4x0rn00b123:its rare it only has 10 kb :S
proplayer:omg man u didnt knew the truth right?
l33th4x0rn00b123:what truth?
proplayer:almost 87% of kazaa downloads are either illegal or have virus
proplayer:uninstall kazaa and install an antivirus now roar
l33th4x0rn00b123 left the game
by Eagle_FTW March 30, 2008
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a program that always messes up your computer.
dude, sorry for suddenly going offline. kazaa always fucking freezes my comp.
by svensson May 17, 2003
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