A slut whore who sleeps with any man sleezy prostitute one night stand slut
Did you see that justyne girl she's such a prostitute.
by godofgoods March 23, 2015
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A very strange, awkward guy. Usually blonde hair, blue eyes, average height, very pale, and has a lot of acne. Justyn is a very interesting person.
He tries to get every girl that crosses his path but is very bad with girls, therefore he is a fuckboy and a douchebag who just asks for nudes all the time. He gets way too caught up in the littlest things, so he can’t do one night stands because he’ll fall in love.
Tried really hard to fit in with people but does a very poor job at doing so therefore he just makes himself look stupid a lot of the time.
Justyn is also a huge lightweight. He can’t handle his alcohol for shit and gets out of his mind wasted after two beers or just one shot.
He’s also very selfish and doesn’t do anything for himself. He asks his parents for whatever he wants and they spoil him.
Ben: Bro are you friends with Justyn?

David: No, hahaha he’s such a douche.
by Mr.Winn July 16, 2019
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Two souls who can never be divided. A love so pure. A partnership, a friendship, a whirlwind romance that story books are made of.
Why can't we love like justyn and eric?
by JustEric December 19, 2017
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mane i needa get back in the justynism i be feelin good”
by -Selena December 2, 2020
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a loving man who cant get enough of his partner he will go out his way to make sure the people he loves are good he is very intelligent and funny , he will leave you laughing for hours hes also a horny fuck but thats besides the point... he is just amazing vibes all around
justyn mekhi ortiz is a amazing person and loves football as much as anything else
by bigdaddym3q463536548 January 21, 2020
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Someone who is always high but always down to smoke more. Just give him a blunt and he’ll be himself.
X: Yo Justyn, you trynna smoke?
Y: Shit I’m already high but fuck it, let’s smoke
by LispyJ May 18, 2021
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