A replacement of a person's real name. Given to someone who craves attention and is Mr. Annoying.
Jonesy: " Jack is being so annoying lately"
Dave: "Yeh i know, so jonesy"
by FT'48'08 July 11, 2008
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A term that describes the mental and/or physical paralysis of an individual after consuming marijuana.
“Want another toke mate?”
No chance mate I’m absolutely jonesied
by Dankmems69 October 18, 2018
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Adj. To be sneaky, bold and conduct oneself with a nonchalant disregard for the rules

n. Jones- a merry trickster particularly adept at sneaky behavior and at times theft. (Such activity when conducted by a jonesie person is preformed with a marked nonchalance and playfulness.)
Damn, if I'd been jonesier I totally would have stolen that goat.
by tinyplum November 17, 2009
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a name to replace the real name of someone who is proned to being an idiot and general idiocy.
I was just thuggin then Jonesy, over here, decided it would be a good idea to flush my baseball bat down the toilet.
by SwissCheeseMan September 21, 2004
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Verb. 1. To have a craving for Jonesy. 2. To jones for jonesy.
Check her out, she must be Jonesying, I saw her check out his package!
by bf December 11, 2004
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(1) One of Acurazine's Mega Mods
(2) sasha's daddy
Sasha thinks Jonesi is one perfect mod and one hell of a nice guy.
by - sasha April 4, 2005
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A term used to describe a unfair player in a type of game. Normally from a southern decent and competes at a professional level.
We had bob playing with us today and he must of been playing like a jonesy.
by cplzzz October 8, 2009
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