A lame insult that can be used when you can't think of a good comeback
by Fritatta February 19, 2017
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Tom:Hey did you hear ricegums new song.
Oliwia:No he’s irrelevant.
by Oliwiag06 May 7, 2020
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Facebook is irrelevant.

With every redesign, Facebook renders itself more irrelevant than the time before.
by sionrel February 20, 2010
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Your content is full of shit and only kids watch you.
1) If your name is Jake Paul you are irrelevant.
2)Jake pauls content and and existence is irrelevant.
by NotJP123 February 19, 2018
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unimportant, nobody cares, fading into obscurity.
BYU is fading into irrelevancy since they decided to become independent.
by frefall1332 July 19, 2011
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