What about these air fried ballz topped with extra sharp chedda cheese warmed just right to the cheese is melted and warm then seasoned to perfection with crushed red pepper cracked black pepper pink hymialian salt and garlic then served with a glass of your moms red period blood mixed with vodka and Methyl enedioxy methamphetamine then after that I fuck your parents and I top it all off with the leftover cum and coochie juices 😘
by I <3 penes and boils March 15, 2022
Point of no return while drinking. You could stop, but if you stay on the drinking train past intoxication station, you are getting extremely wasted for sure.
by annieboo09 May 1, 2009
short for intoxication play, It is a type of BDSM scene where one or both partners get intoxicated and have consensual sex.
by lolkatz16 June 18, 2021
Feeling a head change or altered physiological state of being based on and/or due to an aggressive and high intake of meats.
by Vin Nguyen August 15, 2015
(Friend A enters room, yelling, 5 minutes after beer has arrived) Friend A: Holy shit guys, I am so wasted! (Friend immediately tries to justify drunkenness by falling over a chair)
Friend B: Thanks for the intoxication notification, jackass!
Friend B: Thanks for the intoxication notification, jackass!
by Mike Midgley July 19, 2006
When two are infatuated or in love so much they can do anything else or get anything done. When two are sick, glassy eyed, and nothing or nobody in there surroundings matters.
My friend and his girlfriend have mutual intoxication. Sorry man I can't go fishing with you because I have to lay around and stare at my woman all day long.
by swamped June 9, 2011
The principle stating that people who say that they are "soo drunk right not" are usually fairly sober, while people who say they are "not that drunk" are usually highly intoxicated.
Max: Dude, I swear I'm not that drunk.
Sam: You just pissed in our trashcan asshole. I think you're pretty fucked up right now.
Kyle: Yeah he's gone. Perfect example of the Inverse Intoxication Principle.
Sam: You just pissed in our trashcan asshole. I think you're pretty fucked up right now.
Kyle: Yeah he's gone. Perfect example of the Inverse Intoxication Principle.
by JC Swaggg November 20, 2012