Used to describe something cool/awesome.

Also means cold.

Also, it means to be wide awake.
Girl 1: Look at my new shoes!
Girl 2: That's icy!

Guy 1: dude you know who is not icy?
Guy 2: Who?
Guy 1: Edward Cullen
Guy 2: True dat

Person 1: My fingers are so icy! They're gonna get frost


Random Hobo: I just woke up from my nap and man, i'm icy!
by xTheTrendsetterx October 25, 2009
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I tried To Talk To This Girl But She Was Actin All ICY.
by Kerry October 5, 2003
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meaning cool usually describing a male
"man isn't he looking pretty icy tonight"
by Jessio March 7, 2009
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Fucking steezy. Also means sweet, awesome, boss-like, gnarly.
1. Yo man, that footjam whip was ICY!
2. Man, Austin, you're fucking icy!
by Aussie M MANG December 21, 2010
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Icy owns you flaming nab.
Icy is 2448.
Icy is not a nab.
by Icy October 18, 2004
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he so icie
by iciie mann September 4, 2011
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The sterotypical overcompetitive Asian male, often the product of MCPS's propaganda. Such a specimen can be identified through several means

1. Poser clothes, clothes that pathetically attempt to display thug attribute while at the same time fails horribly

2. Pedophilic tendencies, will often attempt to date and sexually involve women at least 3 years younger

3. Excessive use of the phrase "dude" and "gay", often in such sequential order within the structure of a sentence.

4. Overambitious desire, various attempts will be made to attain every single position possible within extracurricular and in school activities, often while unable to deliver to the position's responsibilities.
1.Guy #1:Yo Ici what with the Nautica sweatshirt and the Blue coudoroys?
Ici: Dude this is some good shit

2. Guy #1: Hey Ici is your new girlfriend a freshman?
Ici: Yeah dude
Guy #1: In college?
Ici: No dude, highschool

3.Guy #1: Ici, Adler's not gonna round up your 76 to an A
Ici: Dude, that's some gay shit. . .

4. Guys #1: Ici, you already have a position within the club, you can't run for another one
Ici: Dude, what the fuck? I need to go to college. That's why I took the SATs 10 times...Dude, I need to go jack off now . . .
by The Wootton Community May 27, 2005
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