Lucy:"Hey, look. There go our football guys again, kicking the asses of them North Hunterdon people."
Mary: "Um, we beat everyone."
by Jersey Girl February 22, 2004
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1. poseur punks
2. wiggers
3. anime freaks
4. band geeks
5. other
I am a people at north hunterdon high school!!!!
by ham_sandwich August 11, 2003
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Its good and bad. Food? Way over priced. Teachers? Some great some bad. There is nice diversity amoung students but like the vaping needs to stop. You're not cool and you are only setting urself up for some sort of addiction. Bullying isn't a huge problem from what I have seen. Teen pep is like super fucking cringey too. Most people act like they are superior than everyone else which is fucking annoying. And wtf happened with the principal? Do we even still have one? Idfk anyway yeah lets just say the good doesnt out weigh the bad
Person 1: oh you go to the school Hunterdon Central?
Person 2: yeah its pretty shitty
by Ravenclawpride April 3, 2019
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N. A place in the rural countryside of New Jersey where all the Wall Street bankers live. Mostly McMansions outside of the downtown areas (Flemington, Clinton, Amwell) and when it's not McMansions, it's farms. Usually smells like manuer in mid-spring, and gets some snow in the winter. Unlike other wealthy places with an average household income of over $100,000, people are actually bice to be around if you aren't filthy rich.
Goldman Sachs CEO lives in Hunterdon county. Hunterdon County is so much better than somerville and anything west of that. The rolling hills of Hunterdon County are much better than the crime-filled streets of Newark.
by WinterSkier55 February 26, 2017
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