The only word on this site that has nothing to do with sex or drugs!
person 1: hello
Person 2: hi
Person 1: goodbye
Person 2: Farewell, and may the forces of evil become confused in their eternal search for you
*person 1 runs away*
by pirates rule!!! February 23, 2007
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To anally fist naked children in public, give them Diet Coke and Mentos up the ass, shit and piss in their eyes and mouths, and force them to violently rape each other whilst shitting in each other's mouths, in that order.
Justin Bieber hello'd a bunch of children at the mall after learning that there is porn of BrainPop.
by Yopmail User August 25, 2022
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1. A form of greeting used in reference to multiple individuals.
2. An abreviation of "Hello, hello, hello!" used to make the speaker appear less annoying.
"Hellos, my numerous and good associates."
"Hellos, Sweetheart."
by Gsapious July 20, 2005
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It's a form of salutation of greeting in the English language, aslo used at telephone.
by RetardWolf July 27, 2017
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what you say when your talking casually with friends and your mom walks in the room
What the hell(mom enters)-o mom.
by mad at the world March 24, 2003
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Knowing that this is Urban Dictionary, hello is a sex position.
So my girlfriend wanted it, and I gave her a hello last night. It felt amazing!
by 12yz12ab February 12, 2015
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the best form of greeting for everything if someone says this the correct respond is general knobie
dave: hello there
bob: hi

dave: we are no longer friends
by pokeboi1112 March 11, 2021
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