the state of drunkenness when one tends to slur his or her words, make bad decisions, start fights, etc. could be substituted for wasted, hammered, or blacked out.
John: "Are you drinking before the party?"
Kevin: "Yeah man, I'm showing up haggard."

Later the night...

John: "How much have you had to drink?"
Kevin: "I don't even know, man. I'm haggard as fuck!"
by Get Hag November 30, 2010
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The real definition of haggard is "untamed; having a worn look; tired; gaunt." But it is mostly used like you would use ugly, stupid, messed up, nasty, etc. in the sentances below.

that is the ugliest suit i have ever seen.

that is the stupidest stuit i have ever seen.

that is the nastiest suit i have ever seen.
that is the most haggard suit i have ever seen.
by megz March 25, 2005
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to be ugly, gross.
newer connotation, is not usually used in the sense of the dictionary definition -- more of a common insult
that girl is so haggard, look at those buck teeth!
by mlk316 October 16, 2007
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1. Busted ass or broken
2. a movie prduced/directed ny Bam
dude your car is so haggard!
by Jake March 10, 2005
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hag·gard adj.

Appearing worn and exhausted; gaunt.
Wild or distraught in appearance.
Wild and intractable. Used of a hawk in falconry.
That dude is haggard.
by Sqwash March 26, 2005
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to look tired, used up, happy after a session of gay sex
dude looked haggard coming out of the bath house.
by beyman December 1, 2006
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That ho's pussy is so haggard
by j March 23, 2005
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