George is a guy with massive balls and his name is memeulous
by I like YouTube December 19, 2018
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A person who is very lucky and makes the impossible look possible. It can also mean very smart, and very athletic.
"Man that dude is such a George. "
"Did you see that?! That dude plays like a George"
"That dude Aced that test, I bet you he's a George"
"Albert Einstein was a George"
"Vilgafortz is totally a George"
by Quand tu es une livre March 9, 2018
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George is the guy that everyone admires. He is extremely sexy without knowing it. He is the alpha of his gang and he is an absolute madlad.
Person 1- ooh look George is coming

Person 2- he is sooo sexy
by Absolutealphamale69 June 3, 2019
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George is a very hot guy. He is the sweetest person you can meet. He is also very cute. If you become his girl wrap him around your finger because girls will be after him in the blink of an eye. He can be very cocky sometimes but everyone has flaws. No matter how annoying he can be get to know the real person on the inside. You would be very lucky to have George in your life and don't take advantage of that.
"Oh my gosh look over there! George is walking down the hallway"
by ishouldbedoingmyhomework21 November 27, 2018
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By George (buh-eye Ghuh-ore-ghuh)

1. An old fashion interjection used in place of By God. It expresses surprise, delight, discovery.

2. noun, a term used as a hypnotic trigger phrase that is used on the unwitting mind controlled members The Cult Of Soros. very often followed by “I think he’s got it”
1. By George you did it!
2. By George I think he’s got it.
by Dragonlady58 February 23, 2021
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George is George.
by FIREKFHNEKDFJMDGeorge November 26, 2021
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