the act of plucking the hairs circulating your butthole, then sprinkling them on ur moms classic {broccoli} casserole.
Hey boys and girls i was thinking of topping my mom classic broccoli casserole with some of my famous foley for the dinner surprise.
by tom appleton November 29, 2007
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In addition to having your internet text sex romps made public, this term can also apply to the gaysecks with younger boys. Some call it just plain gay, others, shonen ai. However, this differs from the Japanese version by the fact that there are a) no tentacles or cat ears involved and b)hopefully these boys are legal. It also differs from mainstream homosexuality by the fact that the two males are usually in a sort of master-teacher position, and often not open about their lifestyle. This sort of action is closely related to Greek love.
Remember that sophmore in the dorm across from ours? Yeah, professor Mc Phearson totally Foleyed him.
by thepink October 10, 2006
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Justin Foley from Thirteen Reasons Why is the most attractive human being ever that should be loved as much as physically possible
by TRW Justin Foley's girl April 14, 2017
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" after watching the last episode of trw, i think justin foley deserved so much better :'( "
by lolidfc July 14, 2020
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A small town of about 2000 people in central Minnesota. Almost like a black-hole, Foley sucks you in and you are unable to escape no matter how desperate you are to live somewhere normal. Populated with hicks and rednecks who frown on anything even remotely normal.
Man, I wish I could afford to move out of Foley, Minnesota.
by lost. soul. March 20, 2011
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1. Disgraced Rpublican Representative from Florida who resigned after it was revealed that he sent sex messages to a 16 year old page. Worked on Child Protection Committee. Gay guy who voted to ban gay marriage. Covered for by Republican Speaker Dennis Hastert. GOP leaders and pro-"family" groups were quick to blame to scandal on gay people, proving that they really are homophobes.
GOP Leader: We were afraid if we stopped Mark Foley from preying on teenage boys we would be accused of gay-bashing,
Person with common sense: You've never been afraid of hurting gay people, plus the boy was 16 with a 53 year-old man for crying out loud!

Pro-"family" advocate: Mark Foley proves that gay men hurt little boys.
Person with common sense: You're a homophobe
by Trinu October 14, 2006
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