your literally so unique and cool i bet all your friends copy your style. you always inspire people and brighten up they're days, however sometimes you can get dark and become a lil toxic, but that is just what we are LOL.
my birthday in on 6 Febuary
by i like your cut G October 6, 2020
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The date that an amazing person was born to be the best sibling ever
A. Aaw your such a great sibling
B. Because im born on Febuary 2
A. Makes sence now pure awesomeness
by Chookens69 November 13, 2019
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If you were born on Febuary 24th MARRY ME
People born Febuary 24th are finee asf😍
by Ionlywanthim_. January 24, 2023
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It’s febuary 5th so I’m finna get my hair did , nails did , and a new fit
by peytontaylorrrrr October 17, 2019
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Did you know that 18 February is pizza day? Well it is because I said so.
Boy: Guess what day it is hint discount on the local pizza store!
Girl: 18 Febuary! Pizza day! Let's celebrate!
by RajaTheWhiteTiger5 October 29, 2019
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National Florida Man day. This day marks the day Florida Man threw a toilet seat through someone’s window. Don’t forget to thank your local Florida man for making headlines daily and bringing joy and sustenance to our lives.
On febuary 21, National Florida Man Day I’m going to host a party in celebration of my favourite Florida man!
by Ndjckisfvakvolfwvf263784?,&: October 19, 2019
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