The simple idea that stupid people shouldn't breed.

Politically correct people will defend the rights of those with Autism and Down Syndrome to have children, completely ignoring the fact that-

a. People with low cognitive skills are unable to care for themselves, let alone another human being.

b. The pain caused to these people when their children are taken away (for their own good).

c. The high chances that the child itself will be disabled, and have just as hard a life as his/her parent(s).

d. The high cost of medical care for someone who can contribute little or nothing to society.

In other words, common sense.

Haters gonna hate
by Ⓕⓘⓖⓤⓡⓔ.①⓪ January 16, 2010
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A creepy guy with an AK sticking out of his backpack
OMG Eugene has an AK
by kcuf enegue March 12, 2016
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A person who can be described as a dumbass, or a herb. The kind of person who will go up to a deranged Ranger fan, with the knowledge that fan is deranged and say F**K The Rangers.

He the gets hit in the nuts many times, and body checked over car hoods by that one deranged Ranger fan.
by Jelly33 August 15, 2006
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a social outcast with only his ak47 and his sawn off shotgun to get revenge for his kind
man Eugene is reaching in his back pack
by frog killer 69 May 25, 2017
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A place in Oregon where women do not need to shave their armpits.
I'm sick of midwest American culture; I think I'll move to Eugene, grow out my body hair, and get liberal.
by medtechman October 29, 2005
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a wonderful city in oregon, home of the u of o ducks. a great college city with a great community. the grass is green, people are happy, and everyone is nice. this place is as close to heaven on earth as you can get. crime rate is low, girls are hot, air is clean, and fun is easy to come by. a dull day in eugene (aka paradise) is better than a great day in other cities.
eugene is awesome, a great place to live
by brosephbrohamuel March 31, 2008
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