A old man who gives you a physical at school and touches your balls.
I'm so happy i dont have to go to the Ebenezer Ballsqueezer to join the football team this year.
by DarkAce12598 October 31, 2010
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When you and your sexual partner(man or woman) both ejaculate into a cocktail type beverage container, and then share the contents as a nice post activity refreshment. (Works especially well if the woman is a squirter) this activity takes its name from the region it was founded in. A small rural community in georgia.
Lance, would you and jenny like to join meredith and I for a warm ebenezer pleaser this evening?
by vanillagorilla84 February 1, 2011
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short term of Ebenezer screwed
which is derived from the character Ebenezer scrooge from the book and film A Christmas Carol.
your ebenezered, that guy whants to kick your ass.
im ebenezered screwed i got work tomorow and im pissed out of my head.
by mad1 April 16, 2005
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that doctor dude who asks you to lower your trousers as he caresses your nugget pouch and asks you to cough.
Following my vasectomy, ol' Ebenezer Ball Squeezer couldn't believe the size of my left testicle, as it had ballooned to the size of a fuckin' grapefruit! No coughing on that day.
by weave August 23, 2003
Someone who easily gets angry or ill-tempered.
"Yo, dis bitch got all Ebenezer over my side piece."
by Abobafettish December 3, 2022
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When you 0 game and mess up your chances with a girl so bad she never wants to talk to you again.
You asked her for her coat . That’s such an ebenezer move
by We to low December 30, 2022
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a wanna be hot guy wants a gf is always horny oh even if he's a boy he's a hoe
by friendlygu5t December 7, 2021
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