A phrase (coined by Rory Donohoe) used as an alternative to the word "yes". Usually spoken in a joyful tone.
EvBev: Boys we goin' Merrion?
Dude: Hell yeah dude!
by TopBoog June 22, 2016
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heck yeah dude is a term used when something really cool usually to your benefit happens
by real.stuff October 30, 2015
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An affirmative exclamation professed by ecstatic females (or males) during sexual intercourse at the point of orgasm.
It is also a lifestyle brand started in the year 9 a.d.
(see fuckyeahdude.org)
"Fuck Yeah Dude!"
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to pee out your cum!"
by skeezyjet July 25, 2009
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The response to when someone is telling an interesting story or stating a fact that you dont care about.
- "i just got done masturbating"

- "oh yeah dude?"

- "I just got a new Jeep Grand Cherokee!"

- "oh yeah dude?"
by BxBakesxAxLot June 25, 2010
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Dude Bro Yeah is a "code phrase" for a combination of any two girls that you like, or think is very attractive. For example "Dude" being the face, and "Bro" being the body. and "yeah" just meaning "damn son ;)"
Me:Hey Evan!! Whos your Dude Bro Yeah?
by Chicago Ted 26 May 11, 2011
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