Beautiful, Charismatic. A true friend who's smile lights up the room always. Deone is someone you can always count on to be there for you, no matter what. Lucky in life, and love, she is someone everyone loves to be around.
by squackdaddy February 3, 2010
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the best boyfriend ever or the best friend ever suck my mamma juice out of me
person one dame he good he must be a deon

person ol i will ska him

person 1 ok
person 2 yep he is

person 1 told ya
by 5ydney December 17, 2019
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A black guy in the wrong part of town
Girl: Hey who is that guy
Boy: i heard he was a deon that why hes here
by money maker 3000 March 23, 2010
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oo im deon look at me im a ninja cuz im chinky im really kool i have a gf but she hates me adn shes not really my gf, im jus desperate. i pull trees
by i hate deon tan March 17, 2004
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he looks like an old man.He acts stupid and watches anime.
ewwww deon
by dont start March 3, 2020
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They are the cutest couple in the history of couples. They are so cute that everyone wants to be them, when they get in a couple. Deon is so beast, sweet, cute, and funny. But then Alissa is sweet, pretty, brave, understanding, amazing. So as a couple they are perfect for each other!
D'aaawwh that couple is so perfect for each other, they most be Alissa and Deon!
by Katylaman! February 12, 2011
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a new and increasingly popular maneuver in the sport of bodyboarding where a rider attempts to get up to dropknee, but immediately face plants instead.

a known variation of "pulling a Deon" includes "flailing about" and skidding down the face of the wave for a short distance, before getting pounded on the head by the lip of the wave.
man: "WOAH! That guy with the blue fins surfing the lefts keeps pulling a Deon!"

grom: "wowww.... so rad! i wanna be just like him :D "
by dropknee_wannabe December 7, 2011
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