n / v., Complain, rant.
Dude, will you stop cribbing about the weather?
She cribs all the time
by Macha August 15, 2006
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Pertaining, but not limited to: Going Hard in the Paint, shitting on the floor, puking, passing out at 10, smoking hookah, partying via candle light, attending Kukukstock, pointing to the crib, and/or going to the crib...or Shorebreeze
We really took it to the crib last night.
by jmanns November 18, 2010
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house that you live it could a apartement but we usually star in big cribs

yo fellas after the party yall go chill out at my cribs.
by sexygurl February 26, 2005
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yo shawty , why don't ya'll come chill at ma crib
by Anonymous August 11, 2003
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A very old expression for one's dwelling or place of residence.

Common for at least the last 160 years.
Come on over to my crib.
by Bumkicker Slade April 25, 2005
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A Place where you eat , sleep....live

I'm going back to my crib to watch Yo MTV Cribs
by Xaviera Harvarey June 24, 2003
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