A car for people afraid of going *real* speeds (excess of 150mph). For contrapositive, see BMW.
"OMFG, would you please just *carry* that Civic piece of sh*t, it would be faster!"
by stockbimma March 14, 2004
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Slang for a any small underpowered car that has a detrimental effect on traffic patterns due to the limitations of the vehicle.
see Chicken Chaser
There's two kind of cars: Those with eight or more cylinders and civics.
by JackieCollins October 19, 2007
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A car that is really meant to just get people from point A to B. Yet, there are some people out there that see a "hidden" performance package. Regardless if it's a type R or type SIR, it's still a torqueless car. Some people actually spend 5 thousand on a old pos civic, then spend another 10-20 grand on the car to make it look "cool" and "fast" when in reality, they could have just spent that money on a real car, saved the money and moved out from living in their parents basement.
Bill: Daym check out Eric in his civic, he spent 5gs on that turbo alone and another 7 on that type R engine!
Bob: Really, where does he live?
Bill: With his parents but still he got a dope ass car..
Bob:Actually my Evolution 8 could whip his ass *cell rings* Oh daym my girl's at my house naked gotta go!
by Andrew May 7, 2004
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a word to substitute "shit" or "crap"
hey u piece of Civic!!
by davis October 7, 2004
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The GAYEST of all gay cars. I'd rather put a muffler tip on a bicycle.
Guy 1: OMFG! My parents just bought my a new Civic EX!
Guy 2: <pulls out gun and kills guy 1> Thats nice.
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A very reliable cheap car. Not meant to be a race car at all. Gets you from point A to B and saves gas.
With gas being close to $3.00 gallon, I'm glad I drive a civic and, I don't give a damn what people say!
by Irulan July 26, 2004
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1)a japanese economy car
2)a car that teenager's rich parents buy them as a cheap relaiable transportation, but then they fuck it all up by putting huge fart cans and spoilers on then trying to drive fast and race everyone and thinking they are really cool but everyone is really just laughing at them because they are so goddamn stupid.
I drive a CIVIC, its so fast, last night I raced some kid on his tricycle and it was close but I beat him because my spoiler added an extra 20hp so that was the reason I won.
by RICEFUCKER April 12, 2003
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