to exclame the feeling that cannot otherwised be put into words. This word is used often to emphasis one's successful action and accompishment.
Hitting the front cup in a beruit game
by froe January 11, 2004
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An exclamatory statement expressing excitement, not invented by, but propogated enthusiastically by geeky engineers and RC Racing enthusiasts.
"Boo-yah, I get to go to the track tonight", Chris said while wearing his new pink pants.
by DJM June 28, 2003
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boo*yah <boo ya> n.v.adj. (1) when there is no other word to express yourself (2) universal term describing something as da bomb, phat, dope, ill (3) meaning determined based on context and delivery of sentence.
by spanky October 9, 2003
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The DC Comics character Cyborg's catchphrase.
Cyborg likes to say "Booyah!"
by IDONTMIND April 10, 2019
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A mispronunciation of the word "bullion" (pronounced BOO-Lyahn), an exclamation stock traders sometimes make when executing a profitable deal. The word was misappropriated by douchebags with bad hearing to the meaningless word "Booyah".
Douchebag: "Booyah! I just found a nickel!"
Stocktrader: "Bullion! I just made $500K and wrecked your retirement nest egg!"
by Amazingly Randy March 9, 2016
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See: Yoobah
First used within 12 hours of yoobah first being used.

Booyah is more likely to be the derisory form of yoobah but this cannot be guaranteed as it may be used ironically.
by elementsmile June 8, 2011
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