1) Maria Boren, sexy contestant on Season 2 of reality TV show "The Apprentice" who blinks a lot, esp. when under stress.

see also my fantasy
Blinky was finally fired for incompetence on The Apprentice last night. I'll miss watching her.
by DrNo December 2, 2004
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A quick yet formal way to reference a flashing indicator, such as turn signals.
Hey, Butt-Head use your Blinky!
by DefinetlyNotAnthony October 27, 2017
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A person that gets poison ivy in his eye and it swells shut, then gets shot in the same eye with a rubber band.

Also known as "LV"

Loves to eat cheese.
by LV December 12, 2003
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When a man ejaculates on a females face and she receives some ejaculate in the eye.
Damn girl....I just gave you a blinkie!
by Benny Black December 19, 2005
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A blinky is a gun.
A gun is a blinky.
Blinkies are Guns.
Guns are Blinkies.
by Chinaboy April 14, 2008
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Word applied to milk when it has just started to go bad. Used when milk is marginal--almost ok to drink. Used by my Texan mother and grandmothers for at least 100 years.
"Ugh. This milk is blinky. Tomorrow it'll be bad for sure."
by stariel March 22, 2008
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The act of hitting a wax pen until the lights blink
by Crumbman3 November 29, 2017
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