When someone uses emojis to make you feel guilty about something you have or haven’t done.
Bloke: I’m not gonna be round later I’m off to the pub with the lads.
Mrs: that’s fine 😔
Bloke: that’s emojinal blackmail
by Wavey Davey February 9, 2019
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a gang which has it's gang members be associated with blackmail and the art of it.
*In a large party for example*
I: hey timmy, remember when ---
T: ian shut up...

The End.
by tyleiusthethird July 31, 2017
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1.(phrase) - When something is extremely distressing in a conversation or idea, that the only way to explain it is to say something unrealistic and nonsensical.
"Dude, I cant believe she dated him, got knocked up AND hitched! I'm gonna BLACKMAIL THE WORLD INTO TICKLING THE UNIVERSE!"
by Mourning Star April 19, 2006
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a blackmailer can also be described as a RUBY
your such a ruby means your such a blackmailer
by 69victim69 January 11, 2021
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When a person uses a feedback system to leverage a seller into something that was not originally agreed upon and/or to permanently alter a sellers feedback as result of.
Buyer: Buys a used item "as is" and decides they do not want it anymore and wants to return it.

Seller: Doesn't accept returns for used items as described but accepts return anyway and offers a partial refund to buyer.

Buyer: "Since you accepted the return, repair the item and return it to me ASAP for a positive feedback score".

Seller: "Ah, we didn't agree to that. I am offering you a partial refund out of the goodness of my heart to cover your

stupidity and inability to read properly as it is".

Buyer: "If you don't want to fix the item that's fine too. Just issue me a FULL refund instead but I will be forced to leave

you a negative feedback score"

Seller: " Are you trying to commit buyer feedback blackmail on me by abusing the feedback system? Trying to extort

services you are not entitled to like a self-entitled asshole"
by Juan Smokiblunt July 11, 2022
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When you're forced to choose between sleeping or Wolle
Stop blackmailing me Paula
by PaulaLovesFeet November 12, 2020
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You clearly haven't been here very long...
Hym "I already explained why blackmail doesn't work on me. It's one of the first things I did actually. Go fuck yourself. My dilemma will be remediated. Did I steal it or did you NOT OWN IT in the first place? Because you can't something that isn't owned. I picked a shiny rock up off the and stuffed it in my pocket and now you're accusing me of grand larsony. Give me a break with that. So no... No... Get fuuuuuuuuuuuucked..."
by Hym Iam August 23, 2023
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