A rising meme on Youtube where a video that usually results in a fail is interrupted by a clip that plays at the end of every Battlefield 3 trailer depicting a soldier walking towards the viewer while a battle is going on behind him. The trailer is accompanied by a loud, audible theme and ends abruptly as the soldier stops, ending the exit clip. Usually it’s about a 15-25 second video where it shows a humorous or shocking event, there are around 100 of these videos. Its similiar to the memes "guile's theme goes with anything" and the "WTF Bomb".
"Battlefield 3 trailer that goes with anything" example:
**Watches Youtube video titled "Battlefield 3 goes with anything even-Wii"
**Person accidently throws a Wii Remote at their 60 inch TV**
**Ends with a soldier walking toward the screen and hears BBBBPPPPP BPPPP**
by Al-the-Youtube-Guy November 13, 2011
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A rumored game in the Battlefield series of FPS games that will never exist because Call of Duty is the best FPS ever. Of All Time.

But Halo's good, two.
Dude 1: Hey, you heard about Battlefield: Bad Company 3?
Dude 2: You mean that Battlefield game that will never come to reality to to EA shutting down Dice in the next few years?
Dude 1: Where did you get that from?
Dude 2: Thought of from the top my head. Dude, I hate EA.
Dude 1: Why?
Dude 2: Because all of the bad things from that one guy said about CoD.
Dude 1: Dude, fish have nothing to do with this. We're talking about games.
*Awkward Silence*
Dude 1: What? What?? WHAT?!
Dude 1: Wait, what? "Call of Duty"? Never heard of it.
Dude 2: You're serious?
Dude 1: Who made it and published it?
Dude 2: You mean MAKES and PUBLISHES THEM. There's more than one game, dude. And they're still going. Oh, Infinity Ward and Treyarch make them, and Activision publishes them.
Dude 2: Activision made a deal with Microsoft so map packs come out first on Xbox 360.
Dude 2: Survival Mode for Modern Warfare 3, Nazi Zombies for World at War and Black Ops, best game series ever, dude. You HAVE to play it.
Dude 1: (muffled giggles) Xbox! I play PS3.
Dude 2: Then you have no life.
Nerd: I play Halo!
by LukeMCFC141 December 23, 2011
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