The best reason to legalize the purge ever.
"I, All for One, shall replace the clean drinking water of every man, woman, and child on this planet with Gamer Girl Bathwater!"
*promptly gets burned to death by Perfect Cell and Kermit the Frog*
by Johan The Destroyer July 27, 2019
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The you-tuber Belle Delphine´s bathwater sold in a tub for 30$. You are supposed to "drink it".
To some pervs, spending 30 $ on a tub of her "bathwater" is a good idea. To, me, that´s some nasty ass shit.

Just a matter of opinion.
Gamer boy: Hey I bought some gamer girl bathwater, it tasted so good
Normal guy: Nah that stuff gives you cancer.
by LikeDAtAssSHit October 3, 2019
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A colloquialism referring to alcohol, typically dark liquors such as whiskey.
No child, you don’t want any of that. He’s drinking grandpa’s dirty bathwater.
by FLEXICON February 26, 2022
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Stoopid bitches that are dirty and hoe around

Can be used as a insult or to describe someone
by sleeeeep.exe December 18, 2018
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Pure shiny clear nectar from the holy grail of Belle Delphine's bathtub
Guy 1: Hmmm I cant wait until I get to chug Belle Delphine's Bathwater later

Guy 2: Yeah I heard it can make you immortal
by reeeeeeee.exe September 16, 2022
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v. A metaphor for a person or a group of people believing their own lies and propaganda. The effects of doing this can be comical, e.g., Baghdad Bob, but this is usually the harbinger of the demise of the practitioner(s).
When Mikhail Gorbachev instituted Perestroika and Glasnost, it was obvious that the leadership of the Soviet Union was having a big session of "drink your own bathwater," assuming that Communism was actually about helping workers. Glasnost exposed the average Russian to the lies they had been told, particularly about how awful their standard-of-living was as compared to the West. Subsequently, Gorbachev and the Soviet Union lasted only six years.
by Dan Weyandt March 27, 2013
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fools who by trying to rid themselves of a bad thing succeed in destroying whatever good there was as well
She's definitely a one for throwing the baby out with the bathwater when she left her boyfriend
by núria November 16, 2004
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