Actual meaning: Someone who plays bass.
My opinion on some bassists:
Some bassists try to take control of everything and whine if they dont get their own way. The reason is that because they learn lots of different scales, modes, arpegios etc.. and they think they are musical geniouses because they no all these and try to use them in each note, when really its so easy to play scales on the bass. They dont realise that on guitar scales are far more complex and envolve more technique as well as linking them to even more complex chords etc..
Whiney Bassists need to learn that they are not master musicians just because they no some very simple scales.
1. Hello, i play bass for a band.
2. Im amazing at bass and know everything about music because i can play a blues scale!!
by Doctor_destruction July 3, 2005
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a bassist is part of the glue in music along with the drummer
sometimes they may want to take control but who can blame them? they hardly ever solo and dont like guitarists intruding on their sonic space.
guitarists maybe cool but us bassists rule!
by mini eero September 6, 2005
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A bassist- short for 'bass guitarist' is the most underated musician in poular music. ordinary music fans generally just listen to the vocals and guitar while ignoring the bass, which is not really their fault, but the fault of crap bassists who dont play basslines, just root notes, and producers in the studio, who often compress songs so much that the bass is almost silent. bassists play the bass guitar, much like a guitar, but much bigger and based on the upright double bass. It is tuned one octave lower than the guitar and it usually has 4 strings and 21-24 frets, but you can get 5,6,8 and 12+ string basses and fretless basses to get differnt sounds out of the instrument. The Bassist is the band member that gets you dancin', (although you probably dont know it) and bassists play their instrument by picking, plucking with two to four fingers, slapping and tapping the strings. Many uneducated cretins believe that is 'just like a guitar, but its easier, cus you only have to play one string at a time... drool, slather...etc'. But in reality a good bassist lays down the groove, can walk all over the fretboard, and can lock with the drummer as part of the rythm section. Guitarists and singers may steal the spotlight, but the bassist is the one holding it all together. He is the musical glue, the perfect balance between the melody and the beat of the song. and pretty goddamn funky too.
some famous and talanted bassists include:
Jaco Pastorius,
Victor Wooten,
Les Claypool,
Billy Sheenan,
John Myung,
Sid Vicous, (just joking!)
Stanley Clarke,
Geddy Lee,
Cliff Burton,
Steve Harris etc.
'woah, feel the groove that bassist's holding down!
by Whiten0ise July 7, 2006
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A passive aggresive musician. One who plays the bass guitar, an insturment with more influence than most non-musicians are actually aware of.
Paul would veto new songs by intentionally playing crappy basslines.
by riotch August 13, 2005
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The simplest meaning of a bassist is one who plays the bass. Bass players are generally overlooked by the average person who simply follow the guitar and vocals. I am not saying that is a bad thing by any means, but it is ignorance, or a lack of knowledge due to the defiance of learning, in which people state that a bass player is not necessary for a band or all bassists suck. This is entirely incorrect. Bassists like John Myung (Dream Theater), Tony Levin (liquid tension experiment), Billy Sheehan (Mr.Big), and Les Claypool(primus) have the ability to outshred and outplay even the best guitar players. Comparative to guitar, a bass is much harder to play because of a wider neck and more pressure needed to be applied to the neck. Those who are impressed by guitar players tapping...don't be. It is much more difficult on bass because it takes strength to sound the notes while you can barely touch the string on a guitar and it will sound the note. No matter what technique used on the bass guitar, it is always interesting to watch a good bass player. Like any instrument, you can learn a lot by watching good players. As far as talent goes, bassists cannot be considered inferior to guitar players for lack of talent because there are many talented bassists who have gone to schools like Berklee. A bass player is a musician, and should be held in the same esteem as all other musicians.
That bassist knew his theory.
by Music Analyst January 16, 2006
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Musician who plays the bass guitar.
Primaraly part of the rhythm section however can be considered a lead instrument in some bands (e.i Motorhead, Mudvayne, Old Metallica, Red hot chilli peppers etc.)
Though a bassist may choose to play with 4 strings, he may play anywhere up to 12 strings. These are called extended range basses, or ERBS.
Bassists may also play the upright bass or double bass.
Generally speaking, a bassist is much more inclined towards funk and groove playing. The bass is more or less the instrument that makes the girls shake their booty.
Bassists are important for a band because they are able to hold the song together whilst a guitarist solo's over the song. During solos the bassist and drummer may 'Lock', making it much easier for the guitarist to keep time, and makes the song much simpler.
Bassists may play in a variety of styles: Pick Style, Finger Style, Slapping, Tapping etc. Each adds its own element to songs.
Nowadays bassists use mainly picks, for a variety of reasons that may include: They prefer the timbre of pick playing or they arent fast enough with their fingers.
Many bassists are classically trained or inclined.

Some famous bassists include:
Les Claypool (Primus)
Flea (red hot chilli peppers)
Cliff Burton (metallica)
Lemmy (motorhead)
Victor Wooten (Bela fleck and the flecktones)
Jaco Pastorious (Weather Report)
Stu Hamm (steve vai)
Billy Sheehan (Mr Big)
Rob Trujillo (Suicidal Tendancies, Metallica)
Mark Hoppus (blink 182)
Feildy (korn)
Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue)
John Myung (dream Theatre)

And many many more.

Thats A groovy bassist.

That bassist is really groovin'

by Burton_1966 January 10, 2006
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one who plays, well or not, the bass guitar.
she is a bassist.
by reform March 12, 2004
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