The thing your momma should have raised before she slept with your dad and had you.
by Shin Dig of Fresno November 27, 2003
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No Bars means you don't have skill in hiding illegal things. You're a dumbass, and you get caught a lot.
He went to jail again?! No bars.
by Panda:) June 20, 2011
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A section of music who's length is determined by the time signature.
Contrary to popular belief, rap isn't the only type of music out there. All types of music have bars.
by Skeez Adams December 9, 2005
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not giving a fuck about version control/saving and losing all your progress
dude, I'm such a BAR, I lost my entire project trying to add that midget porn section...
by Oinky November 12, 2020
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When someone has no rapping skills

Usually used during a free-style battle
Rapper: "Workin' Zero-four in the mornin' I'm tires as hell and I can't stop yawnin', fallin' out my bed so high. Walk to the bathroom, stub my toe FML..."

Rapper w/No Bars: "Your rhymes are whack, you should get smacked..."

Bystander: "Noooo...that dude has No Bars"
by G.L.A.P. January 23, 2015
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*2mg xanax pills, may be prescribed for some with
"general anxiety disorder.
*they are illegal if purchased without a prescription.
*the side effects of xanax, leave you feeling layback, happy ("drunk"), with loss of memory, loss of perseption, loss of motor control skills, and give some
"the munchies."
*bars are also known as...
-double g's
-totem poles
-happy pills
bob said to tom...
"i had some bars before school today and i can't remember
sh!t, u got the homework?"
by qtiptt April 30, 2007
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