One of the two swear words introduced by the 2008 election. More severe than its counterpart.
Barack! My leg is being eaten by a shark!

Barack! Obama was elected president!
by OyWithThePuddles November 5, 2008
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obama, a man who you would be crazy not to elect. a man who is going to bring america out of this dark age know as the Bush administration.
by cameron muthafin albin February 3, 2008
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Producing an impression of being cool.
Your new sneakers are so Barack.
by Mark Juras February 21, 2008
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Main Entry: bar· ack
Pronunciation: \bə-’rak\
Function: verb
Etymology: eponymous usage, a verbing of the given name of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama; African derivation, “Blessed”; a form of the Hebrew name Baruch Date: 2008
1 : to deceive, 2: to conceal intended meaning in communication, 3: to abandon persons or issues for self-gain,
4: to pander, 5: to obfuscate
—-common usage: “Don’t barack me! Tell the Truth for a change!”
Function2: noun
1 : untruthful information 2: excrement
—-common usage: “What a crock of barack!”
verb: —-common usage: “Don’t barack me! Tell the Truth for a change!”
noun: —-common usage: “What a crock of barack!”
by PresidentSuit April 4, 2010
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1. A man who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. 2. Managed to double the national debt in the first 90 days in office.
3. A socialist who spent 100 million more than anyone in history on his own inauguration, meanwhile bitching at CEO's for flying personal jets to meetings.
That man is Barack asswards, he doesn't know if he should shit or go blind.
by HFMIC July 27, 2009
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