A form of autism believe it or not. Named after Hans Asperger.
Aspergers Syndrome can be mild or extreme. Its a gift and a curse at the same time.

Its known mostly for being a social issue. People with it can walk and talk like normal people but the ability to handle talking with people, dealing with people, understand social "cues" and even so much as going up and asking for a new cheeseburger in a restaurant if it is made wrong without feeling like a complete idiot and fearing what the people working there are thinking of them can and will be VERY hard. In other cases, so much as walking down the street is a problem for these people.

People with aspergers syndrome often have very small interests for example computers or radio or a certain TV show or music. Because of their lack of the ability to deal with people, people with this issue often stick to themselfs. Often in their rooms. They learn about their favorite subjects to the point of having encyclopedic knowldege of the subject. This is partially where the term "little professer" came from.

Aspergers Syndrome comes with a few additional problems. People with it often have strong OCD and deal with panic attacks.

Poeple with it have problems being touched. So much as being hugged or touched by their parents, family or anybody even close to them can be a very bad expirence for them.
grooming, wearing of socks, can be a problem.
bad posture is also a common problem with people with aspergers syndrome.
A mild form of autism is known as asperger's syndrome.
by 1069 February 2, 2007
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A very real neurological disorder, related to autism, that has been overdiagnosed to the point where genuine cases of it are no longer taken seriously.
I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome in 1993, back when hardly anyone had heard of it. Nobody has any right to say that something with which I have dealt all my life is not real.
by Erin Catherine May 2, 2008
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A mild form of autism, that only a selected special few of the population have. The biggest assets of this disorder are often characterized as the biggest curses.

Aspies have a hard time making friends in a world, mainly becuase their high IQ's, literal imagination, and superior adherence to company and school rules and respect for authority.

Tragically since Aspies are essentially just a more moral and intelligent version of NT's their social abnormalities make them "geeky" and "nerdy" and their non-understanding of social cues make them seem like assholes.

Living in a neurotypical world with NT's the majority of who would rather remain ignorant and alienating then seek to understand AS does not help, nor does it help to claim that you have AS to excuse your idiotic and asshole behaviour.

Asperger Syndrome is not the problem in our world. Ignorance is!
Nick has Asperger Syndrome. He may be frank and honest, dress differently than others and obsess about horses and motorcycles, avoid eye contact and appear alone. He likes Spongebob. He is secretlly a genius, who will discover a cure for cancer and create a new language by the year 2050
by Layla87 September 30, 2011
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A neurological disorder that makes social interaction extremely difficult, like something as simple as starting a conversation with someone you barely know. The cause for it is still unknown, but researchers are still trying to figure out the cause for this form of autism. Those who have Aspergers Syndrome are often labeled as odd or eccentric, because we are used to being in our own world. Since we're usually outcasts in large groups of people, we go towards our interests, in which we are very brilliant at.

Symptoms vary depending on how mild or severe one's case is. People with this condition usually have trouble fitting in, are often the victims of bullying (throughout high school), and happen to have narrow interests on things in which they are very passionate about. For example, they will have a fairly good amount of information concerning movies, trains, geography, puzzles, etc. It'll almost be like they know every single detail about their interest to the point where they have almost a professor or encyclopedia equivalent knowledge about that subject that they know so much about.

If you have it (which I do), have no fear. Although we may be bad at keeping friends and maintaining a conversation, we're gifted in many things that we enjoy the most. Never let this condition get you down, because you are special and have a very bright future to live for.
Idiotic Guy: You're weird and geeky.
Smart Guy: I have Asperger's Syndrome, get used to it.
Idiotic Guy: (trying to think of a comeback) Well....you're still friggin' weird.
Smart Guy: When was the last time you memorized every quote from "American Pie" and were not afraid to perform in front of people? That's right, you don't have my traits, which I'm talented in.
Idiotic Guy: (speechless)
by Simplistic Seth July 15, 2012
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Here's a quick definition which ISN'T offensive. AHEM

Aka Asperger's Syndrome, this has nothing to do with anyone's burgers or asses, rather it is a neurological difference some people have where they exhibit signs of Autism like failure to respond to social cues like looking at a watch and tapping feet, etc. etc. However, they are usually high-functioning, so this means most with Asperger Syndrome seem like dorks but are probably Einstein (or Sherlock Holmes) when nobody is picking on them.
My friend has Asperger Syndrome. At first, everyone laughed at him, but they stopped when he scored 300 points higher than them on the standardized test.
by warrobotsalt February 2, 2019
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Asperger's Syndrome is at this time an incurable condition, which occurs mainly in males, although females can inheret this disorder. Asperger's is on the ASD (Autistic Spectrum disorder). It is therefore linked With Autism. Those who suffer with autism, are on the higher end of the autistic Spectrum, whereas those with Asperger's tend to be on the milder end of the scale. The main difficulty people find with having Asperger's is social interaction with others. Asperger's cannot be defined by one set of Characteristics, because those with AS, don't have exactly the same difficulties that another individual with Asperger's may have.

Common characteristics those with Asperger's tend to display are... difficulties with eye contact, difficulty empathizing with others, Obsessive Complusive Behaviour and feeling uncomfortable standing out from the crowd. There are many more symptoms which can be part of this condition.

Other Terminology used for Asperger's Syndrome are: AS. Aspie, Asperger's, Autism, mild autism, Asperger's Disorder.

There are often misconceptions about Asperger's and Autism. Some people who are narrow minded, describe autism/AS as a "teenage phase" or an "excuse for being a loner" However these descriptions are inaccurate. Asperger's was discovered by Hans Asperger, a psychiatric doctor in 1944. This condition is not an excuse for having difficulty with social development. It is a real disorder, which affects individuals more than the Neurotypical person will know.
OK, so what is Asperger's Syndrome?
It is a disoder that can affect the AS individuals in different ways, dependant upon their specific diagnosis; mild to severe. A usual difficulty those with AS find is social interaction.
by xctinax December 21, 2006
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A mental condition when you say the most obvious things,but in a deep and thoughtful way.
People with Asperger Syndrome are very cool and clever.
by SomeoneNew February 7, 2011
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