stinky boy, whos sweat smells and looks like piss. a bit obese and makes me want to kill myself.
Alistair is a fucking idiot hope I can smell him from a mile away
by jennyfromtheblock#pussyslay September 5, 2022
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Scottish - Male
Defender of men.

Alistair has 8 variant forms: Alastair, Alastor, Aleister, Alisdair, Alistaire, Alister, Allister and Aly.
I R TANK, alistair is a common tanker name
by TankerAL January 25, 2008
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Alistaired means:
1. getting wasted
2. someone who is well cool
1. "I am getting proper alistaired tonight"
2. girl: "do you like my new dress?"
girl 2: "yes mate, its well alistair!!"
by betsybirdie April 11, 2009
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1. A very genteel older English gentleman.
2. The mythical male creature with manners and dignity, the single entity that thinks with the brain between their ears.

3. Alistaire- female: A girl who, while being feminine, has then inner steel of a tough gritty guy.
1. I met Alistaire in the rose garden, and we strolled hand in hand amongst the flowers. He was a perfect gentleman.

2. Turns out, *insert all teenage boys here* was just trying to get in my pants. I wish he was more of an Alistaire, and not such a poser creeper.

3. Geez, Alistaire can fix a motercycle, deal when her dad ruins her life, and put up with the worlds worst gangster boyfriend. She still looks better in a dress than anyone I know.
by hopelesscause October 14, 2009
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Noun: from the ancient greek for "one whom is milky and naked," an alistair traditionally spends most of his/her time fondling themselves and defecating in public beauty spots whilsts covering themselves in milk and drinking the menstral juices of the mother wolf.
"Your kid sam has turned into a real alistair, we're almost out of milk and there's skid marks and spunk stains all over the the town memorial."
by Alistair the Anaconda June 9, 2007
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a-lis-tar- adjective, noun, verb.
1. A superiority in being irritating to another person
2. To describe an annoying laugh  
3. A person who joins in, uninvited, to other's conversations  
4. A person who is oversensitive when people get their nationality wrong
1.Stop that! You're so alistair!
2.Dude, that laugh was alistair.
3.John, a alistair. He keeps butting in!
4.He's a alistair. He cried when I said he was from Malaysia by accident.
by ><" January 8, 2009
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