A shitty school where none of the teachers care about you. Especially the principal and counselors. You get lunch detention or detention for the most retarded reasons. And dress coded for just showing 1 mm of ur stomach. Most of the kids there are dumbasses and in class watching them try to get the answer right is annoying asf. Especially when the question is hella easy.
Person 1- “I hate my school.”
Person 2-“ What school do you go to?”
Person 1-“ Algonquin Middle School
Person 2-“ Oh shit that school sucks no wonder you hate it.”
by It’s me Boiiiii September 30, 2019
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The act of catching a river trout, than returning home to clean it. After cleaning one than wraps it in a new paper for later use. When the female returns home the male entices here to the bed room. Sex begins and eventually have the female switch to a reverse cowgirl position, while she isn't paying attention remove said trout from newspaper and begin hitting her repeatedly till she leaves... than fry trout for next days lunch...
Mike: Hello Steve
Steve: Hey Mike! Would you like to grab a beer tomorrow?
Mike: No, I can't I am fishing for trout tomorrow so I can give this new girl the "Algonquin Trout Tickler", that will end all talks of moving in together!"
Steve: Wow man, you most defiantly should have Tickled her the first time so she knew you weren't that type of man who actually lives a with a woman!!!
by ChocolateEmu September 11, 2010
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Human: What school do you go to?

Me: Algonquin Middle School

Human: oh shit. (Walks away)
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After one shits, they than wait a day and come back to pile of skat. After skat has become semi-harden one than proceeds to draw the future or current events.
Steve: Mike why are we walking out here?

Mike: Well I took a huge shit, and as part of the Algonquin Cave Painting I need to wait a day so I can start my painting!

Steve: Oh well, I leave my first pile here than and we'll come back tomorrow than!
by ChocolateEmu September 11, 2010
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Known to live in the backyards of Foran High School Alumni. Deadly "creature of the bog" Territory is from Marsh Hill rd south to Gulf beach.
Holy shit is that a coyote? Nope that is a Mother Fucking Algonquin Swamp Wolf
by WickedAle February 22, 2011
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A noob player of so2 ( a game ) does not even know how to play so2. and founder of cyber clan.
To define a noob leader LOL = Algonquin so2
by LunoX So2 January 19, 2021
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