An amazing Ep by the crazy talented Melanie Martinez
The After school ep is so good, my favorite song is numbers
by SourSweet November 19, 2020
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When a child proceeds to wear his/her School uniform out to play once School has finished. The term "after school leisurewear" is in fact ironic.
"Jim, are you going to change out of your after school leisurewear and come and play lacrosse?"
by Mr. Ind January 30, 2007
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The performance of masturbating after a school day; usually to relieve stress.
Jerry told Susan about his after school wack, so she decided to help him.

Susan loved a good after school wack.
by Pluvio December 10, 2015
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An elite club of certain individuals who wear their school ID after school hours. Some enthusiast continue to wear their ID's after they graduate.

These individuals appear to be lazy and forgetful, but have really been known to be involved in such events such as 9/11, and the "death" of Steve Jobs.

Initiation involves wearing your ID after school and writing a letter to the Walt Disney Corporation about why you believe the Holocaust was an inside job staged by the Crips.

Those who attempt to leave the after school club prior to graduation have been known to be executed or extradited.
Tyrone: "why you wearing your ID fool, you in the after school club?"
John: "Dun' worreh 'bout it. . ."
by Віктор Юлія November 12, 2012
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One shady ass app with fucked up automated posts and even worse actual posts
"Did you see the one that said he wanted to fuck Sarah's eyeballs out?"
"Yeah that was the after school app that posted that"
"What about the one that said they wanted to kill Brianna, stuff her into a dog and fuck the dog to death?"
"Oh yeah that was Mike"
by Cokuspocus December 19, 2015
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The corner of 8th and Chew has the best after school specials.
by Johnny Tats November 13, 2007
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