To celebrate the new year at a bar that has poor ventilation and can easily be confused with Snoop Dog's recording studio due to the persistent haze of smoke.
"Man, I really don't want to ring in the new year getting cancer". Do we have to go to Dee's?"
by mp2009 February 3, 2009
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When your have sex with your girlfriend vaginal and she has a open butt plug and you count down from 5 and drop your balls in her butthole
Hey babe wanna try the New Years Eve Ball Drop
by Pounder In Rear June 26, 2017
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Easter In The Chinese New Year, also known as April Twentieth or 4/20, is a day of celebration for Your Favorite Plant- Marijuana!
"Oh Shit, it's Easter In The Chinese New Year- lets smoke 4 blunts and 20 joints"
by Stoney McSmokes-Alot April 21, 2008
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A flaming shit that spews out of your asshole after consumption of a particularly spicy or Asian meal, which literally chars the rim of your asshole.
Nick: "How you feelin' Houston?"

Houston: "Terrible, I have 3rd degree burns from that 'Chinese New Year Dragon Fire Shit' that I took this morning!"

Nick: "Fuck dude, I hope you feel better, I hate 'Chinese New Year Dragon Fire Shits'." I had to get asshole replacement surgery last month after one of those.. Fuck China Dynasty!"
by H Fowler July 29, 2012
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1 a amazing Thursday song

2 a way to describe a crazy, amazing new year
1 Jet back new year is a great song

2 We had a jet black new year!
by XXStraightEdgeXX March 28, 2003
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When people start saying "see you next year" the last week of December right up until the 31st at 11:59.
On Dec. 26th, Sam said to Dave, See you next year.
Dave replied to Sam, "Did you just Pre-new year ejaculate me?"
by Filamena C January 7, 2010
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