The price a pimp tells his hoe she is taxed when she leaves as a taxation for breaking loyalty and respect. In some ways like a deposit.
The bitch fagged off so she had to pay the leaving fee of 10k
by KingP2018$ August 24, 2018
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when in tough economic times "fees" are applied to everything to amplify profits and negate a potential default
Brian: I needed a bank.. So I just joined Bank of America because they have an iPhone app.

James: Awe so now you're enjoying the benefits of the "fee market system". Quite rational thinking there Brian *rolls eyes*
by breynoldz October 8, 2011
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when you take a toke more then you were supposed to because the next person in the rotation wasn't paying attention.
"hey that was my hit!"

"Travelers fee man, you gotta pay more attention when I'm trying to pass you the spliff"
by Eyes Like Cherry's January 23, 2009
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Canada has free universal health care. Well, as free as it can get, they pay for it out of income taxes and sales taxes. A longstanding Canadian tradition requires each citizen to set aside that amount of money he or she would usually have to spend on medical insurance, and to use it to help others in need. The "Sick's Fee" is the name assigned to that money, and by law it must be spent on, or given to, some other Canadian who is need of something, whether that be a new roof, clean beaver pelt clothing, maple syrup or an exhibit of Canadiana. The Sick's Fee is the "pay it forward" component in the Constitution. How does this cash get spent? Well, the finest examples of the art of making maple tree taps has been gathered for display on a planned new web site. "" is just one more twisted and bored Canadian's view of how to help his fellow man to survive COVID-19. You can have fun even if you are not Canadian. Just contribute ONE photo which exemplifies any artistic creation that in some tiny, remote, humorous way refers to the word "tap". Just 3 simple letters... but a world of untapped possibilities!
Where do YOU stand on this?... Sick's Fee Tap Art? Yes or NO!?? Will you socially distance your self again today? or will you "Pull a Trump" and go spread your spit at the office on May 1?
If Bernie Sanders had not dropped out, might the USA once have adopted the tradition of the Sick's Fee? Would Americans soon have been spending their sick's fee on each other? Would they say Yes! to Sick's Fee Tap Art? Or would they say "You can take your sick's fee to hell" or "I'll show you where you can shove your sick's fee to!"
"I cannot stand Sick's Fee Tap Art.... I have to be closer to see the whites of their eyes."
First they take your guns and then they want you... sick's fee tap art!
Trump closed the Canadian border because he knows everyone in Canada likes sick's fee tap art.
Until COVID-19 came along, even Google had never seen the phrase "sick's fee tap art" anywhere in the Interweb, now it has gone viral!
I believe one Canadian's "sick's fee" to be another man's "two meters less 10%".
by You rReal Name April 16, 2020
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This party wack as fuck man where the Fee’s at ???
by bryguy0212 October 14, 2020
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Something you say when an unfortunate event occurs.
Steve: I locked myself out of my house yesterday. Then I finally got in, and saw that my dog had crapped all throughout the house because I couldn't get in to let him outside.

Danny: Fee fur.
by BaseHit5 December 22, 2009
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Anyone who pays someone else to release them from the burden of being a pet owner without questioning WHY AM I PAYING YOU $100 TO TAKE YOUR 8 YEAR OLD CAT? Oh and i have to buy the animals care supplies too? Meanwhile you go meth my money?
She really thought i was going to take her cat AND pay her a re-home dumb fee of $100??? Then when i simply asked her why she said ," the money is to make sure you don't use my cat as bait in a dog fight" Then she gets completely angry and aggressive when i point out the stupidity in the hustle
by Ed Geingsta March 26, 2023
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