A lower lot of a school (a hell of a lot like walmart where they also hang out) where rednecks hang out with there friends until they find a place to drink or do something better.
Ex.1 Those boys always hang out in the lower lot on weekends.

Ex.2 Zach: Hey, you goin to lower lot after school?
Matthew: Yea i ain't got nothin better to do.

Zach: Yea we'll try an get some bud light and go up to the house and party.
by blah blah blah123455 October 1, 2009
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LORTON IS A TOWN IN Virginia with a large hill. BACK IN THE DAY THERE WASN'T MUCH HERE. WE HAD TWO 7/11 STORES. ONE AT THE TOP THIS IS UPPER Lorton. The one at the bottom is Lower Lorton. Also the location of the Lower Potomac Pollution Control Plant.
(Sewage processing) So lower is really lower class because of the smell. There are no high dollar neighborhoods there.

Lower Lorton is appartments. Lower end town homes and a few people who for some reason desided to buy houses there. Im sure the original owner moved out in the early 80s after the plant went online.

While Upper Lorton and the rest of the town is where the better quality of living is located.
Hey man, where are you heading?
Heading through Lower Lorton, why.
Well roll up your windows till you get up the Hill.
Yep, cant wait to get back to Upper Lorton.

Home Sweet Home.
They cant say that about Lower Lorton.
Nothing sweet there.
Well maybe the hot Spanish chics at the grocery store.

They live in Woodbridge not Lower Lorton. Oh good, I'd rather go there to pick them up for a date.
Why man? It smells better there than Lower Lorton. Hahaha
by Lorton Rockers January 8, 2022
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Nickname for a topographical map wif a certain number of irregular-shaped sections dat you can literally color all different separate hues by using each and every one of da wax sticks from Crayola's famous tall-cube-shaped box.
Including a good-sized "lower 48" page together wif a next-to-da-largest common set of crayons is an excellent way to let da young recipient of said lovely gift easily and sensibly try out all of da assorted colors in da box right away, since he/she will merely need to fill in one section apiece wif each of da markers, effortlessly ensuring da resulting "patchwork quilt" effect will be pleasing on da eyes for anyone who views said child's artwork afterwards. Extra points if you thought to pre-mark each map-sector wif an appropriate color-directive, so dat da budding artist will know how to fill them in wif appropriately-alternating light/dark/pale/bright hues to create maximum contrasts and even colors-distribution among da various sections.
by QuacksO July 8, 2023
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Describing Natasha's surly attitude when interacting with others in her cohort. An attitude description epitomizing malevolence. (Adjective)
She was so mean-lower low tide to Chris today, why is she so unkind?
by 2N_Clown November 8, 2021
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A Philladelphian slang word for the kids from the suburbs in Pennsylvania who only drink purified water, because they’re too snobby for spicket water, which they call sink water. Also called MFLMPW
Mother Fucking Lower Moreland Purified Waters are pathetic
by slingshot.aj July 17, 2019
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Posh twats with massive houses and snobs in the middle of know where if u want a Richie come peover😈
by Richie kid August 5, 2016
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