A German person that usually tries to help by saying over there and at the end of every game if they loose , also usually a person that uses the sentence "u mom gay" and occasionally expresses his suicidal thoughts
by Dawid_9901 June 16, 2018
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An Indian with with autism and Down syndrome. Who likes to yell stupid shit when he sees milk cartons
Autistic Kieran yelled “Indian milk” when he saw Eric with chocolate milk.
by SRA.Theiss May 13, 2019
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When you dab a ton or once when it's not 2016, and you think it's either okay or not.
"I autistically waved at people, because I'm cool..."
"Ew, don't be my friend anymore."
by doddleoddle March 27, 2018
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often describes little white boys who name there instagram jasonstar200.
he is autistic
by Smartest nigga on Earth June 1, 2019
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