Yes!! A Track Complete is always the greatest feeling on your first future level! A Full Recall or even Pure Memory will make one smile.
Lizzy: Hey! I got Track Complete on Dreamin' Attraction!
Max: Took you 5 years. I got Pure Memory on everything.
Lizzy: I hate you.
by u/welikeReddit1 February 13, 2021
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A total "disassembly down to da frame" overhaul of a weight-scale, paying particular attention to making sure dat it correctly reads "0" after it's been serviced and put back together.
Performing a complete taredown and rebuild of a scale --- no matter how through --- really isn't gonna do much good if its operator is gonna be "playing funny business" while using said weighing device, such as taping pebbles of lead sinkers underneath da measuring-platform, putting his thumb on da tray, etc.
by QuacksO February 6, 2023
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To get or be, lost. As opposed to a complete 360 which means, going in circles
Dude, I Had no idea where I was, I did a complete 370.
by VagueSounds March 24, 2014
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That one guy that is just unfathomably stupid. You are often surprised and baffled at the thought that someone so incredibly stupid has even figured out how to breathe.

Leaves you speechless
Dumbass: We need to stop taking advantage of gravity. We’re running out of it and soon there will be none left for us
Everyone with one brain cell: You’re a complete fucking dumbass
by WazzuppG September 27, 2022
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Joe Biden, the illegitimate “president” of our once proud country that was installed like a toilet, rather than elected.
Hal Steinbrenner is a complete fucking dumbass for keep giving new contracts to the overrated Brian Cashman, who is also a complete fucking dumbass.
by PhoenixGamer34 September 20, 2023
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