When a woman won't leave a partner or group of friends until she has found a suitable replacement, like a monkey swinging from one vine to another, generally because she can't stand being alone.
Suzie just left Fred and now she's fucking Johnny? Monkey principle in full effect!
by AflacDuck77777 August 29, 2010
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Fish. Acronym for "Fuck it, Shit happens." A sort of 21st century Hakuna Matata.
*shit happens*

*everyone whines*

Bob applies the fish principle: "Oh well. Fuck it, shit happens."

*bob moves on with his life, happy and not worried about whatever happened."

*everyone else keeps whining*
by Jjshdddkdishbsbsjskshsbdbd September 21, 2013
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Expertise in something obscure because there's less competition
I learnt to play jazz double bass because of the Botswana principle
by Basil Fawlty falls over February 20, 2019
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If you kissed, your facial hair will start growing faster and stronger.
Man 1: wow! Since when u gout this beard?
Man 2: oh I've kissed last week
Man 1: oh, so it gotta be The Beard Principle!
by Thenutmaker June 18, 2021
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The notion that while there isn't necessarily something wrong with someone/something, the two elements aren't a match.
"Dude, why did y'all break up?"
"Classic Mona Lisa Principle. She was beautiful, mysterious, and intriguing, but (pointing to my brain) didn't match a damn thing in my house."
by Chris "Your Hero" Mock May 29, 2018
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The belief that you only need half of the proposed time to finish an assignment due to stress from the upcoming deadline.
"Have you started on your essay yet?"
But it is due in 4 hours, and the description says it takes 5 hours to write!"
"No worries, I'll just follow the Dimidium Principle, and cut it down to 2,5 hours"
by Utman March 12, 2017
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