Best comeback for "po" or "jo"
Elezi: a i bone detyrat?
Elezi:dy vo
Kastrati: dy permi to😎
by Brr206 March 26, 2023
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When sucking dick gets old, dudes yacking suckies will leave you fulfilled beyond your wildest fetishes.
Chelsteenith, are you tired of giving that quickhead? Go watch the Dudes Yackin Suckies (DYS) down at the sevum ellebum.
by Creedmore December 24, 2022
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A word that Kyle Johnson Baylen Levine And Lil Peej always use to comment on there fans post, when something is very funny. Love you guys 💚
Haha I'm dying
by Baylen Levine is awesome June 12, 2020
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When baby die, baby dead

Dead babies are when babies die
Dammnnn dat baby dead yeet

Dying babies die because they starve or get choked to death because they want to be choked from daddy but daddy want to do it also so daddy kill baby and baby lay on ground dead
by The fattest John May 6, 2019
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When a girl devotes every ounce of energy she has in service of the dick where she fucks until she passes out
by Crashout Kas March 1, 2023
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Another way of saying you'll hang yourself with a noose.
*Your significant other breaks up with you and you're in a super depressed state*
You: Aw man, insert significant others name just broke up with me. I guess tie dying is my only option.
by Disfunctional Arm April 20, 2019
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1) the pit stains on a white tshirt after many wears

2) jizz stains that won’t wash away, making a TieDye
I went to grab a shirt for my first date, but it’s been guy dyed, I need some help!
by Gtru197 March 22, 2023
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