45 is where you yawn and you stick your arms up in a 45 degree angle like /
i was so tired i 45'd
by jakeydoodz April 2, 2020
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it says that White girls (20 year old ones) and cheddar are linked in a spritual manner so this is how they are 1 guy walks into a bar and sees 2 white girls and says CHEDDAR he left with the 2 white girls u found out that u joined a 45 cult and u invite a friend to meet them and he became parmesan so u kill him with the white girls and sense they WERE 4 of u that one of the 2 numbers of 45 and then you CHEDDARIFY 5 people to become CHEDDAR KING
Person 1:What 45?
Person 2:CHEDDAR
Person 1:ok?
Person 2: im going to cheddarify u
by CHEDDAR KING 45 March 7, 2022
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To royally fuck up something, sometimes beyond the point of recognition
Hey Frank, what happened here? I leave for five minutes and you 45 the whole place! I can’t even take one step in here without moving something aside!
by AzureKnightBalmung January 19, 2021
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When you are so deep in trouble you are almost done for.
All those years ignoring responsibility and now he is 45 in the Shit
by Reddeadroses May 22, 2019
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a meme that uh apparently goes around discord about this person holding a gun saying they're going to give freddy a bullet in his fucking head
im boutta give this motherfucker the bullet of 45
by cambolianmicrowave April 29, 2023
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The 645th minute after midday and the seventy-fifth before midnight; the time after 22:14 and before 22:16.
Parent: Hey, what time is it?
Kid: It’s 22:45.
Parent: That’s too late to stay up. Time to go to bed.
Kid: Okay, I was just kidding. It’s 21:45.
Parent: THAT’S A LIE!!!!
by Yamato Yamamoto April 23, 2022
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