When you come to the office in the morning and stay until lunch, but work the rest of the day from home.
I'll be doing the reverse waffle today.
I'm reverse waffling.
by dashatron July 9, 2018
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After roughly pounding a female with a blue waffle, cream all over her pussy and lick i up.
"Brad wrecked my blue waffle last night then surprised me with some blue waffle syrup."
by Ash is Daddy May 1, 2016
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Refers to the terrible food combination of salsa with waffles, usually by people with psychopathic tendencies. Used metaphorically to describe something which is in incredibly poor taste or nonsensical.
"This car is spec'd horribly, the colors are horrendous. Whoever chose this must like salsa waffles."
by Unapologetic Moose October 28, 2023
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An STD where your vagina looks like a beat up waffle and your clit looks like chocolate chips.
Your ex Jarod: wdym you have cookie waffles?? I thought you got tested??
by Bills is gay af May 18, 2022
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A sexual maneuver in which you deficate on your partners chest and them press down on the pile with a waffle iron. You then cum on the pile to make syrup.
Dude I totally gave that prostitute a Greasy Creek Waffle Iron
by pimpdaddy007 September 5, 2011
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That friend that thinks he knows everyword so u make up a word that means nothing to fuck with him
by Michael_Haze February 29, 2016
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When you can't wait for your girlfriend to drizzle syrup down your naked body
Hey honey, get those golden waffles over here right now!
by Heeheehee123 August 15, 2017
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