When your life completely and entirely revolves around the act and art of looting.
Live to Loot, Live to Loot, Live to Loot, Live to Loot!
by cbsdfort March 27, 2019
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Formally known as 'Acme Tool Crib' this transposed slang phrase was coined by employees and used in a negative way to describe the tool and equipment retailer.
It can't be any worse than working at Ace'm LOOT Bric.

Daren: You wanna grab lunch at the diner?

Dennis: Can't dude, fucking Ace'm LOOT Bric is holding me down today.
by Overbuddy July 11, 2008
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A loot coon is a sect or Loot whoring that is incredibly self centered.
"Joe Schmo Bimbobob" Yo mark i need meds i'm low on health.
"Mark Henry Klein" Nah i'm all out
*Mark Henry Klein Dies*
*Teammates looting body of Mark Henry Klein*
"Joe Schmo Bimbobob" You fucking Loot Coon I needed those meds earlier
"Mark Henry Klein" Fuck you I needed it for later
by CallMeManaMan February 17, 2019
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The refused piece of crap that usually takes a second or third flush to finally rid the toilet of this menacing tool!
I was finished taking a crap at a friends party, when another partygoer yelled out "Hey, someone left a stray-loot in the fucking toilet!"-I was sooo embarrased!
by d.e.m.o. November 3, 2011
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An easy boss in an MMORPG (usually one of the first three in a raid) that takes very little effort to defeat, even on the highest difficulty. Sometimes this is caused by mechanics on higher difficulties that, with proper raid coordination, make the fight easier.

Often, the loot will not be very exciting, but it will help weaker players gain gear.
Kargath Bladefist was a loot pinata in Warlods of Draenor (World of Warcraft) because of the crowd cheering mechanic that players could utilize.
by Downvoting Victim April 11, 2023
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Tyler loots is a dying YouTube channel that leeches off of famous Mario gaming channel Fearsome Fire. Tyler loots is also known for going months on end without showering or leaving the comfort of his bedroom. The last time this man has had female interaction was when the cold war was going on. Tyler loots is a man that everyone should pity. This guy is the definition of what it means to be down bad.
Damn have u seen Tyler Loots?
No he hasn't came out his room for months
by speedyman03 August 26, 2021
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Loot Notify is a UK Cook Group filled to the brim with inbred children looking to make money through reselling their mothers used socks and knickers for a tiny crumb of profit. Majority of the members RZ included have been found to have sent nudes to underage minors in exchange for so called 'High Valued' Sneakers to sell on.
Jack: ''Yo bro did you hear about Loot Notify?''
Rose: ''Yeah bro it's full of pedophiles!''
by RapidifyToldYouFirst March 23, 2023
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